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Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care

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Chaplains promote pastoral, spiritual and religious well-being through skilled, compassionate, person-centred care. This is available to our patients, their families and carers, and to staff, volunteers and students. The chaplaincy enables people to celebrate according to their religion or belief and support those facing very difficult situations such as the death of a loved one, psychosis, being diagnosed with life-threatening conditions, and people who are receiving end-of-life care.

Like most NHS hospital settings, we offer chaplaincy support and our voluntary chaplains endeavour to meet all our clients' pastoral needs.


We agree wholeheartedly with Mildmay’s Vision and Mission: "that they may have life and have it in all its fullness" (John 10:10). Our main focus is to offer spiritual, pastoral, emotional and religious care to patients, clients, their families and friends, volunteers and visitors.

Our hospital’s foundation is Christian, ensuring that we welcome and respond to the needs of persons of all faiths and none. In short, the chaplaincy presence touches all aspects of life at Mildmay, as the well-being of all individuals is our concern.

Our approach is distinctively inclusive, ensuring we enjoy working relationships with all at Mildmay, based on the concept that all persons are spiritual, though not all are specifically religious. All our services are patient-centred and take into consideration their cultural, social and religious backgrounds.

Those we have cared for over the years have described how this faith has lent an extra dimension to our care, and it remains central to who we are as a charity.

We network and form helpful links with other faith-based organisations where appropriate.

Days and times of services

Morning Prayer, 9.30am

  • Wednesdays

  • Thursdays

  • Fridays

You can join the service with Zoom

Please join with the following meeting login:

  • Meeting ID: 213 480 3406

  • Password: chaplain

Lunchtime Service in the chapel, 12.00am

  • Wednesdays

  • Thursdays 

  • Fridays

Mondays and Tuesdays

The chaplains on duty are free to invite clients and staff to pray at times that are convenient for them, for our clients and our staff. They are now engaging in pastoral care with individuals when this is requested.

Chaplaincy news

The chaplaincy team


Bernie Devine SP.

Lead Chaplain (Catholic Sister)


Pauline Chambers (Catholic parishioner)


Vicki Rawding

(Born again Christian)


Rev. Paul Rout OFM (Franciscan Catholic priest)

Kenneth Van Heerden portrait.jpg

Kenneth Van Heerden

Zeo Church / Catholic

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Rev. Joseph Quoc Cuang

Catholic priest

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Harmeet (Meeta)

The Evangelism Team in the Emmanuel Church

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Ian Mansfield

The Evangelism Team in the Emmanuel Church


Helia Murdock

If you would like to have a chat with a chaplain friend, please ask a nurse, care assistant, or staff member to contact us, or get in touch directly. We are usually present Mondays-Fridays between 8am-4pm. We may be available at other times by appointment.

If you are willing, please fill in part of or all of the information required on the ‘tree cards’ which you will find on the ward or at the entrance to the hospital or chapel.

Our chaplains are here to offer a 'listening ear’ in all circumstances, including end-of-life care

Patrick Gormley (Catholic parishioner)

Patrick has now retired but you can read his story here.

Our chaplains stories

Our chaplains have strong personal motivations for volunteering as a chaplain at Mildmay Mission Hospital and they generously share them with us here.

What we do day-to-day

As part of Mildmay's multidisciplinary team, the chaplains are here to offer a listening ‘ear’ and emotional support in all circumstances pertaining to patients' personal, ongoing and end-of-life care, as well as all who come to Mildmay.


We endeavour to contribute to the general life and development of Mildmay whilst maintaining good communication by treating everyone with the greatest respect. 

We meet with others one-to-one and in groups when appropriate. Other responsibilities include preparing, animating and leading chapel services while maintaining the chapel as a sacred space for peace and tranquillity.


Clients who have been discharged and are returning to their communities are linked to their local churches, Mosques, Temples and other local groups to ensure they are given ongoing support.

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Thought for the week

"Prosperity knits a man to the world. He feels that he is ‘finding his place in it’ while really it is finding its place in him."

C S Lewis


Bereavement care

Caring for those who are making their final journey in life, together with their loved ones, is an essential characteristic of a humane society, religious or otherwise.

We are here to assist during the painful, traumatic process of bereavement. The chaplaincy team will offer or arrange prayer and counselling, religious rites and practices appropriate to your particular faith group, and if requested, ongoing bereavement support. Our chaplains, if asked, will take funeral services.

Memorial Services, at a time convenient time for families and friends, are also celebrated in memory of the bereaved.

Background photo by Mahdi Bafande


The Chapel

Our dedicated chapel welcomes all people. This is a tranquil space for periods of prayer or silence as well as for religious service and contemplation. It is open for all to use with a small allocated space for persons of other faiths.

Our chaplaincy team includes members from many different Christian denominations. We maintain strong links with the local community and can organise the services of local religious leaders from the Jewish, Muslim, and Hindu communities.

Chaplaincy contact details

The Chaplaincy

Mildmay Mission Hospital

19 Tabernacle Gardens


E2 7DZ

Wisdom and inspiration

"My religion is simple, My religion is kindness"


"Love your neighbour as yourself"


"Fear not. What is not real, never was and never will be. What is real, always was and cannot be destroyed"


"Love all, with sincere love and concern"


"By three things is the world sustained: justice, truth and peace"


Prayer Alert/bookmark, Winter 2024/25

Prayer Alert  Winter 2025 Front
Prayer Alert Winter 2025 Back

About twice a year, we produce the Mildmay Prayer Alert. This has information and news on projects, causes and our upcoming events that need your prayer support.

We can let you have copies for your church as well, so if you would like to be sent our next Prayer Alert, please let us know by email or via our Contact Us form.

Download the latest Prayer Alert / Bookmark here:

Apply: volunteer chaplains / chaplaincy placements

If you feel you have the calling to join our Chaplaincy Team as a volunteer or on a placement, please download the relevant application form and return it to us when completed.

You can download a Word version to fill in on your screen and return it easily by email or a pdf version to print out and fill in by hand and either email or post back to us. All the information you need is on the form.

Download the VOLUNTEER CHAPLAIN application form

IMAGE Volunteer Chaplain Application Form April 2024.png

Download, print, complete by hand and post it back to us (or scan it and email it).

Download, complete onscreen and return by email.

Download the PLACEMENT application form

IMAGE Chaplaincy Placement Application Form April 2024.png

Download, print, complete by hand and post it back to us (or scan it and email it).

Download, complete onscreen and return by email.

Support us

A lone female sitting in the Mildmay chapel

NHS contracts cover roughly only 90% of our costs. Only through charitable donations can we provide a comprehensive range of services that ensure the best outcomes for our patients, funding staff like our chaplain, art therapist, housing officer and volunteer coordinator.

Your support ensures these vital services can continue. Please consider donating today and help us empower patients on their path to well-being.

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