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We believe it is important to hear our patients’ views on the services they have received.

You can make sure that your voice is heard by filling in the simple patient survey form below.
QR code link to Patient Survey Form

If you would prefer to complete the survey on your phone, scan this QR code with the phone's camera to link to this page.

Patient Survey Form

Giving feedback

Feedback helps us improve the quality of your care. You can give good or bad feedback by telling us about it. For example, you can do this through the form below, or you can speak to a member of staff.

If you are unhappy, it is worthwhile discussing your concerns early on with a staff member, as they may be able to sort the issue out quickly. Most problems can be dealt with at this stage but, in some cases, you may feel more comfortable speaking to someone not directly involved in your care.

All responses are completely anonymous and confidential.

Start here

1. Would you recommend Mildmay to a friend or family member based on your experience?
2. How would you rate the cleanliness of your room?
Good smiley image
Good smiley image
Average smiley image
Poor smiley image
Very poor smiley image
3. How would you rate the meals?
Good smiley image
Good smiley image
Average smiley image
Poor smiley image
Very poor smiley image
4. How would you rate the care you received?
Good smiley image
Good smiley image
Average smiley image
Poor smiley image
Very poor smiley image
5. We aim to treat everyone with dignity and respect. Please rate how we did.
Good smiley image
Good smiley image
Average smiley image
Poor smiley image
Very poor smiley image
6. We aim to make everyone aware of who to contact if they are not satisfied with our service? Please rate how we did.
Good smiley image
Good smiley image
Average smiley image
Poor smiley image
Very poor smiley image
7. Which groups did you engage in?
When you are happy with your answers, click this blue button to submit them.

Please note that you can do this only once and you will be returned to the Your hospital visit page.

An error occurred. Please complete all sections with checkboxes and try to submit again.
Your form has been submitted - thank you.

*These fields are required to be able to submit the form

Thank you for telling us about the service you have received

  • The information we gather is key to helping us to make improvements where necessary

  • Positive feedback helps because it provides a morale boost for our hard-working staff

  • Most care and treatment go well, but sometimes things can go wrong

  • If you are unhappy with your care or the service you have received, it is important to let us know so we can improve. 

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