Step-Down Homeless Medical Care Pathway
"Hey Team,
I just wanted to pass on some feedback from two patients today.
Patient has said they are grateful, finally feels safe and appreciates the warm and friendly welcome to your hospital.
Patient said the team were great, and they loved their time spent at the hospital (they didn't want to leave!)"
Homeless Health Lead Nurse
Out of hospital care
Central London Community Healthcare
This service provides rehabilitative healthcare for people who are homeless or rough-sleeping and recuperating from illness or injury.
To provide a short admission period to support patients who require regular medical and nursing support before returning to independent living
To provide patients with adherence support, symptom control, stabilisation and/or psychological support
To reduce the incidence of acute hospital admission
To provide a safe environment and ongoing nursing, medical and therapy input following an acute hospital admission
To link patients with housing teams and access appropriate housing, thus positively impacting the prevalence of street homelessness in London and its associated morbidity and mortality.
Mildmay Hospital is the first specialist unit to provide step-down medical care for the homeless population of London and other regions, addressing a huge unmet need for specialised medical care following treatment in an NHS hospital/acute centre.
It employs the medical leadership and personalised treatment and care provided by our multidisciplinary team to alleviate the burden on NHS hospitals.
Beds are available for homeless patients, with funding on a spot purchase basis, being referred by NHS hospitals/acute centres providing services and care in a ‘psychologically informed’ environment with a dual focus on convalescence and recovery and client-centred, coordinated planning for move-on.
Admission criteria
The service is intended for single homeless people, including rough sleepers, hostel-dwellers and those with no recourse to public funds, for whom discharge would be otherwise delayed because adequate care cannot be provided in their previous environment.
Funding is on a spot purchase basis
These are planned admissions, and patients are admitted Monday to Friday
Pathway teams are normally involved in all step-down referrals, although this may change in the future
Patients will be sufficiently recovered to no longer need high-cost acute medical or surgical hospital care but may still need medical and nursing care
Patients still need a further period of isolation and/ or convalescence and community care planning before a safe hospital discharge can be achieved
Once a planned discharge from Mildmay is arranged, patients will be further supported by specialist homelessness and social care charities such as Pathway.
To discuss or make a referral, please contact our Admissions Manager by telephone at 020 7613 6347 or by email:
Medical respite/rehabilitation services help to prevent serious illness and unplanned hospital admissions, making Mildmay more cost-effective than standard care.
Upon admission, patients access a wide range of therapies according to their needs, in addition to medical and nursing care.
Specialist medical and nursing care aims to meet the needs of people who are homeless with tri-morbidity, i.e. physical ill-health or injury complicated by a history of mental illness and problems related to substance misuse and and infection.
We free up NHS beds and help homeless patients improve their health and likelihood of reintegrating into the community.
Goals and outcomes
Mildmay's aims are that:
No rough sleepers die on the street
No one is discharged from hospital to the street
There is equal and fair access to healthcare for those who are homeless.
Therapies and inputs (all care pathways)
Patient needs vary. These are some of the rehabilitation treatments, techniques, social work support and educational programmes used within the team:
Art therapy
Catheter care
Chaplaincy input
Cognition work
Continence management
Cooking safety assessment
Counselling and emotional support
Decision making and planning
Diabetic management
Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation and stabilisation
Enteral feeding
Finance management, applying for social support, housing and benefits
Health promotion
Healthy living/living well
HIV information and education
Increasing/maximising mobility
Increasing strength and exercise tolerance
Life skills
Managing activities for daily living – washing, dressing, etc
Memory work
Nutritional awareness and support
Pain control
Pet Therapy
Problem solving
Risk management
Self-medicating and managing medicines
Sexual health information and education
Skin care and pressure area care
Stoma care
Symptom control
Using resources in the community
Using specialist care equipment
Wound Care
Patients requiring this pathway will always be allocated the next available bed.
Patients are assessed by the medical and nursing teams and are allocated a named nurse. Referrals for specialist input by our MDT will come from the nursing and medical assessments to ensure that there is excellent pain and symptom control and treatment.
Care needs and input are discussed weekly in the ward rounds.
Mildmay’s multidisciplinary team
Medical Director
Art Therapist
Chaplain and volunteer chaplains
Junior Doctors
Liaison Psychiatrist
Nursing team of Registered General Nurses, Registered Mental Health Nurses and Healthcare Support Workers
Occupational Therapist
Lead Social Worker and Safeguarding Lead
Social Work Assistant
Speech and Language Therapist
Substance Misuse Recovery Worker
Therapies Assistant
Inpatient facilities
Twenty-eight ensuite single rooms (including two anti-ligature rooms)
Two wards, each with a communal lounge and kitchenetted for patient use
A well-equipped physical rehabilitation centre
Occupational therapy assessment centre
Specialist therapeutic equipment
Laundry facilities
Tranquil courtyard garden and conservatory
Digital Inclusion Room
Social value
Mildmay as a charity has social value embedded into its ethos, with origins and a strong history of supporting and empowering marginalised people. Mildmay was initially established in the 1860s as a project to support local homeless and vulnerable populations and later evolved into an independent mission hospital.
Part of the NHS between 1948, and 1982, Mildmay Hospital remains committed to its original values, focussing on empowerment, having a positive impact on communities and celebrating life in all its fullness for everyone in Mildmay’s care.
Mildmay has demonstrated these values by being at the forefront of HIV care since the 1980s and since April 2020 by diversifying its services to deliver stabilisation and recovery-focused care to people who are sleeping rough or homeless.
Our model, experience and expertise mean we will contribute to economic, social and environmental wellbeing across London.
Mildmay’s step-down homeless pathway is the first of its kind in London and has demonstrated innovation as well as facilitated a practical response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Holistic and person-centred, the pathway aims to support patients with appropriate housing, linking patients with relevant community support services and external partners, as well as delivering medical, nursing and therapy input. The new post-detox homeless pathway will build upon this. We have a full-time experienced Housing Officer on site, and discharge planning commences on admission
We empower patients to have a voice, for example, by completing patient surveys and giving feedback in relation to all aspects of the care experience
We share positive recovery stories and support/lead anti-stigma campaigns, for example, in relation to homelessness, addiction and HIV. We participate in community events raising awareness of key issues
We address health inequalities, developing person-centred care plans and ensuring that there is appropriate support at each stage. We encourage patients to be involved in their care planning and discharge planning
We encourage patients to involve their families and loved ones with their care if appropriate, facilitating on-site visits whilst ensuring that national Covid restrictions are not breached. We offer practical support and advice and refer families to external organisations for ongoing assistance where necessary
Mildmay’s multi-denominational and multi-faith chaplaincy team offer patients spiritual support, linking patients with places of worship and ongoing support where necessary
Our Dietician and her students have extensively researched a range of facilities (day centres, hairdressers, legal advice, food services and many other types of services) available to patients who are homeless within several London boroughs, producing comprehensive information leaflets for patients
Our meal service is tailor-made, fresh and cooked on site, incorporating a wide range of cultures, individual preferences and dietary needs, e.g. we are able to provide vegetarian, vegan, Halal, Kosher, gluten-free meals and provide appropriate healthy options for patients with allergies and food intolerances as well as patients with swallowing difficulties
We provide a range of clothes and toiletries to patients when this is required and actively encourage donations from local communities and businesses
Balancing this with infection control guidelines, we aim to reduce waste and recycle wherever possible
We provide a peaceful and attractive well-designed garden space, accessible to all patients as well as staff and volunteers, encouraging integration and preventing social isolation
We encourage patients to utilise the gym space, and our Physiotherapists assess and advise patients in relation to their physical fitness
Freeview TVs, DVD players and WiFi are freely available in patient rooms, encouraging patients to connect with friends and family during their inpatient stay. The WiFi also promotes independence, allowing patients to access external support, housing, complete forms etc
We maintain links with a range of universities across London and beyond, facilitating placements for medical students and nursing students, including RMNs and placements for a wide range of allied health professionals, for example, Dietetics, Social Work, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy. We also provide elective and short-term placements
We recruit newly qualified as well as experienced staff, nurturing staff within a wide range of roles within a supportive and supervised environment
We value and invest in our volunteers, who are a key part of our team. We continue to build upon our existing volunteering programme and, where appropriate, offer past patients the opportunity to volunteer at Mildmay and gain valuable experience within a wide range of areas such as fundraising, chaplaincy, administration, reception, estates and facilities, befriending, horticulture. Many volunteers have, over the years, successfully gained paid employment at Mildmay Hospital and elsewhere.

Our purpose is two-fold:
1. To deliver better care and health outcomes for homeless patients
2. To make more efficient use of all available health resources by freeing up NHS acute beds and providing medical respite/rehabilitation for this vulnerable cohort, improving the likelihood of a safe and full recovery.
Photo by Oscar Nord