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A message from our Chaplain about COP 26

Bernie Devine SP: Lead Chaplain at Mildmay

"As I hail from Glasgow I decided to simply be present for a weekend, during this very important Conference, to attend one or two of the Christian events taking place in my home city. Obviously, I am NOT an invited guest but just felt I wanted to be there – to see family too!

Many of you who are concerned about how we are shaping the future of our planet will have already found a way of being involved in the lead up to Cop26.

Messages urging Boris Johnson to show leadership at COP26 have been projected by faith groups onto Parliament a week before the start of the climate summit.

The projection called on the Prime Minister to ‘give us faith’. He will lead at the Glasgow climate talks by working for agreements to keep temperature rises below the 1.5C level scientists say will be catastrophic for the world’s most marginalised communities.

The images projected onto the Houses of Parliament also urged Boris Johnson to push rich governments to provide money to countries hardest hit by the crisis and to stop support for fossil fuels."

Liam Finn, Campaigns Manager at CAFOD, (similar to Tearfund and Oxfam) said: “We wanted to project the message that so many tens of thousands people from across faith communities have sent to Boris Johnson, so we’ve done that – literally!

“It’s vital that the Prime Minister hears that message demanding that he show the leadership needed for COP26 to keep 1.5C alive, deliver the money rich countries have pledged to those on the frontlines of the crisis and consign fossil fuels to history.”



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