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A Mildmay Day Trip To Margate

Our annual day service trip to the seaside took place this year on a sun drenched day in August, – in case you may have forgotten, there were indeed one or two of those!

The Friends of Mildmay provided the funds needed to meet the costs of the day trip- a huge thank you to them! Margate was the chosen destination, the coach was booked and plans were made. Day service volunteer supporters joined staff on the trip – a big thanks to them also, we could not provide such trips without their support.

A truly wonderful day by the seaside was had by all. Our clients are filled with so many wonderful stories from the trip, and we could not have asked for better weather! It was glorious, hot enough to paddle and even swim in the sea! One of our clients, who had never swum in the sea before, was simply overjoyed to be actually in the water, sky overhead, sun on her face, surrounded by the sounds of the sea-side. For others it was many years since they had stepped foot on a beach and buried their toes in the sand. Childhood trips were recalled as a wonderful day unfolded. We wanted our clients to enjoy a really special day and although the bulk of the costs had been met by The Friends, we thought it would be lovely to be able to include those little extras that make a day by the sea-side complete. So we asked people, via facebook and twitter to donate just £3 towards ice- creams and perhaps a cuppa, to be enjoyed on the beach. We had a wonderful response and raised £141.00 via Just Giving.

This trip really did mean so much to all those who took part, and for many this was their only opportunity to enjoy a special day out, as well as joining together with fellow clients, volunteers and staff. An enormous 99 sized thank you to all who donated and helped to make this a day to remember.



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