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A welcome sight in our reception today

Updated: Feb 9, 2024

Jian He delviering scrubs to Mildmay Reception
Jian He delviering scrubs to Mildmay Reception

This is one of our PPE heroes, Jian He, who, in our reception, is delivering another donation of 3,000 surgical masks.

Warmest thanks to Jian and ‘Chinese in the UK for NHS’ for their fantastic donations of PPE to Mildmay.

This is the latest batch of thousands of items that we have been very pleased to receive as it alleviates the huge costs of PPE supplies. As a charity, our budget for the additional requirements of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic are minuscule, yet we are averaging over £10,000 per month in PPE costs, when before the pandemic, we would only have to spend about £800 per month.

Despite the easing of restrictions, the crisis continues, particularly for those with complex medical conditions and the most vulnerable in society, who are our patients.

On behalf of everyone at Mildmay, I offer my deepest gratitude and sincere thanks.

Clinical Lead Nurse Comfort unboxing donated scrubs

Our Clinical Lead Nurse, Comfort, unpacked the masks ready for immediate use.

Please consider donating to Mildmay to help us fight COVID-19, especially among people with HIV and people who are homeless and rough sleeping.


N.B. Mildmay is a COVID-secure establishment, meaning that we take every precaution to prevent the transmission of the virus, including full PPE when interacting with patients and masks and other appropriate protection like aprons, gloves etc at all other times. Jian was wearing his mask but slipped it off quickly just for this photograph.

You can see the corner of a table to the right that has the full range of PPE that everyone must put on when going further into the hospital.



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