Today, at Mildmay, we hope to join the ‘locals’ for the ‘Witness Walk’ following the cross to the Baptist Church, Shoreditch Church, and the Catholic Church in Hoxton, followed by tea with hot cross buns.
As Christians, we contemplate the cross of Christ! This is the day when Christians remember the final journey of Christ to Calvary. There are no words but simply silent contemplation of the above words, with hope in our hearts.
Sister Bernie
Mildmay Chaplain
The Passion of St. John
Each year on Good Friday, the Passion of Jesus, according to John, is read. John’s Gospel was written later than the others, perhaps 70 years after Jesus died, and this gave John time to reflect upon Jesus’ death and highlight several aspects that are not as evident in the other Gospels.
The Power of the Cross – Good Friday
Good Friday is all about the transforming power of suffering love. It takes two pieces of wood to make a cross. That is important for us as we venerate the cross this Good Friday. God so loved the world that he sent his only son to die for us. Beaten, laughed at, ridiculed and tortured – He accepted it all out of love for us.
Acceptance of God’s Love
The part of the cross where the two arms meet is a juncture which represents the call to love ourselves. Sometimes that is where we fail the most. To love one’s self is also a part of the Great Commandment that Jesus gave to us. To forgive ourselves for the mistakes that we have made, to accept ourselves as we are, and to be able to accept God’s infinite love for us. It is our response to God’s love in Jesus and completes the cross.
We adore you, O Christ, and praise you because by the holy Cross, you have redeemed the world.
(Dublin Diocesan Liturgical Resources)