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Holocaust Memorial Day 2024

Updated: Feb 14, 2024

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Holocaust Memorial Day takes place on 27 January each year and is a time to remember the millions of people murdered during the Holocaust, under Nazi Persecution and in the genocides which followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.

Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) is a time when we seek to learn the lessons of the past and recognise that genocide does not just take place on its own – it’s a steady process which can begin if discrimination, racism and hatred are not checked and prevented. We’re fortunate here in the UK; we are not at immediate risk of genocide. However, discrimination has not ended, nor has the use of the language of hatred or exclusion. There is still much to do to create a safer future, and HMD is an opportunity to start this process.

27 January marks the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi death camp. The Holocaust threatened the fabric of civilisation, and genocide must still be resisted every day. Our world often feels fragile and vulnerable, and we cannot be complacent. Even in the UK, prejudice and the language of hatred must be challenged by us all.

HMD is for everyone. Each year across the UK, thousands of people come together to learn more about the past and take action to create a safer future. We know they learn more, empathise more and do more.

Together, we bear witness for those who endured genocide and honour the survivors and all those whose lives were changed beyond recognition.

From Mildmay's Chaplain, Sister Bernie:

"Each year at Mildmay, we arrange a display at reception and in the chapel, to raise awareness. We also hold a Remembrance Service in our hospital chapel and on occasion have invited a speaker to share Holocaust survivor stories."

Let us pray:
Loving God, you care for each one of us.
All people are cherished as your beloved children,
no matter how ordinary or extraordinary their stories.
We particularly remember the victims of the Holocaust.
We deeply lament the loss of the six million Jews who were killed,
the millions of other victims of Nazi persecution and the victims of all genocides.
May our minds be clear and attentive to their memory
and our hearts be moved to bear witness to their lives.
Help us all to turn away from hatred and division,
building a world where genocide is no more.
Strengthen us so that we, in our own ordinary ways,
may show extraordinary love in our world today.

Given the current situation in Israel and Gaza is it too political to mark HMD?

No – we need to bring people together more than ever. HMD is a time to remember the 6 million Jews murdered during the Holocaust, alongside the millions of people murdered under Nazi persecution of other groups and during more recent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.

Marking HMD is not subject to the conflict in Israel and Gaza or conflicts anywhere else. It is a day for everyone, a day when we remember all those millions of people murdered because of something that made them who they were – for example, their ethnicity or faith.

The fragility of Freedom is the theme for Holocaust Memorial Day 2024

Freedom means different things to different people. What is clear is that in every genocide that has taken place, those who are targeted for persecution have had their freedom restricted and removed before many of them are murdered. This is often a subtle, slow process. The ten stages of genocide, as identified by Professor Gregory Stanton, demonstrate that genocide never just happens. There is always a set of circumstances which occur, or which are created, to build the climate in which genocide can take place and in which perpetrator regimes can remove the freedoms of those they are targeting.

Not only do perpetrator regimes erode the freedom of the people they are targeting, demonstrating how fragile freedom is, but they also restrict the freedoms of others around them to prevent people from challenging the regime. Despite this, in every genocide, there are those who risk their own freedom to help others, to preserve others’ freedom or to stand up to the regime.

Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) 2024 marks the 30th anniversary of the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. Forty-nine years after the Holocaust ended, 19 years after the genocide in Cambodia, the world stood by as Hutu extremists shattered the fragile freedom in Rwanda, following decades of tension and violence, culminating in the murder of over one million Tutsis in just one hundred days.

Local Activities

Thousands of local activities and HMD commemorations take place all over the UK, each year. To see what is taking place near you, search the HMD Map.

The UK Ceremony

HMD Trust organises an (invitation-only) UK Commemorative Ceremony for HMD each year. This is the focal point of HMD in the UK and brings together the civic, faith and political leadership of the country alongside survivors of the Holocaust and more recent genocides.

On HMD, curated moments from the UK ceremony will be broadcast, ending with our national moment, ‘Light the Darkness’ at 8pm.

To be notified on when to register for access to the ceremony moments and to stay informed regarding ‘Light the Darkness’ sign up to the HMDT newsletter at

To find out more about the next UK ceremony for Holocaust Memorial Day, go to

On 27 January at 8pm, everyone is invited to light a candle and safely place it in their window to:

remember those who were murdered for who they were

stand against prejudice and hatred today

We are all lighting the darkness on #HolocaustMemorialDay.


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