Building on the success of the Step-down Homeless Medical Care Pathway, introduced in 2020, Mildmay Mission Hospital is today launching the REBUILD Pathway, providing post-detox, stabilisation-based intermediate residential rehabilitation care to patients who are homeless.
Patients who are homeless or rough sleeping and recovering from substance abuse are admitted to Mildmay following detox treatment at acute centres in London - units like the Addiction Clinical Care Suite for homeless people at Guys and St. Thomas’s Hospital, with whom we have partnered.
Mildmay has a long history of providing individually tailored, specialised treatment and rehabilitation for people living with complex psychosocial issues and challenging health conditions within a supportive, compassionate and caring environment, and is a leader in HIV rehabilitation care.
Patients on the REBUILD Pathway receive support and expert care from a full multi-disciplinary team throughout their treatment journey, from initial referral through to discharge and aftercare.
Geoff Coleman, Chief Executive Officer of Mildmay, said: "We are enormously proud to provide this new service at Mildmay Mission Hospital, which is a lifeline to people living in incredibly difficult circumstances.
"Our expert multidisciplinary team will provide a wide range of care to treat the complexity of health problems facing those living on London’s streets."
How we help
Our multidisciplinary clinical team has expert knowledge of pathways of disease, their progression and treatment, including disorders associated with substance misuse.
We provide a model of care aimed at restoring the individual’s independence and facilitating motivation towards recovery.
We address psychological and social needs through a multidisciplinary approach.
Our model is sensitive to different cultural needs and is holistic in its nature, engaging with a range of professionals to meet identified needs.
This background ideally positions Mildmay to deliver high quality, patient-centred, supportive, individualised post-detox care.
Social value
Mildmay as a charity has social value embedded into its ethos, with origins and a strong history of supporting and empowering marginalised people.
Mildmay was first established in the 1860s to support local homeless and vulnerable populations in the most socially deprived areas of East London and later evolved into an independent mission hospital.
Although it has been part of the NHS since 1948, it remains enormously committed to its original values, focussing on empowerment, having a positive impact on communities and celebrating life in all its fullness for everyone in Mildmay’s care.
Mildmay has demonstrated these values time and again by being at the forefront of HIV care since the 1980s and, since April 2020, by diversifying its services to deliver step-down care to people who are homeless.
Our model, experience and expertise mean we will contribute to economic, social and environmental wellbeing across London.
With an outstanding reputation for delivering pioneering high-quality, person-centred, complex care and rehabilitation within the speciality of HIV - nationally and internationally, and more recently developing our connections as well as our experience and reputation within the sector of homeless healthcare, we will strive to build upon our existing connections, and develop our relationships with stakeholders within the speciality of detox and homeless health.
Our funding
Mildmay is a charity providing specialist services to the NHS, not an NHS or private hospital. We don't make a profit and all donations are invested in our services and facilities. Only about 80% of funding for our services is covered by NHS contracts and we depend on charitable donations to secure the remaining 20%.
Help us secure the future of our UK hospital in developing the REBUILD Pathway by making a donation, so we can ensure equal and fair access to healthcare for those who are homeless.