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Introducing Our Historical Directory of Mildmay Nurses

Mildmay staff, circa 1900 outside the main entrance to the hospital

We are pleased to announce our new online directory, which is dedicated to preserving the legacy of the remarkable nurses who trained and worked at Mildmay.

A  nurse training certificate issued by Mildmay Hospital to Marjorie Gertrude Weeks at the conclusion of her nurse training in 1951.
Nurse training certificate issued by Mildmay to Marjorie Weeks, 1951

Mildmay Hospital was recognised by none other than Florence Nightingale (1820–1910) as one of the first institutions in Britain to train nurses, and over 160 years - and many hundreds of nurses - later, we have continued to deliver training and placements for both nurses and medical and social care practitioners.

Many of the records that prompted us to institute our directory were identified on King’s College London's Pioneering Nurses website. The Mildmay directory is very much in its infancy, and the initial list of nurses is far from exhaustive; it merely scratches the surface of our rich nursing heritage.

We are just beginning to compile this list and welcome your contributions. If you were a nurse at Mildmay – send us your information! If someone in your family trained or worked at Mildmay in the past, let us know and help us preserve your heritage in our archive. Your input will ensure that these extraordinary women and men are not consigned to oblivion but celebrated for generations to come.

Contact Us

To contribute to our growing database, please reach out to us via email at, or use our website's contact form.

Your collaboration will ensure that these extraordinary women and men are not consigned to oblivion but celebrated for generations to come.


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