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Laetare Sunday: Fourth Week of Lent 2024

A rose window on a church in Wandsworth, London

Laetare Sunday is the fourth Sunday in the season of Lent, in the Western Christian liturgical calendar. Traditionally, this Sunday has been a day of celebration within the austere period of Lent.

Laetare means "Rejoice" in Latin. The 40 days of Lent are a time for solemnity, so how is it possible to celebrate during a time for serious meditative reflection? Quite simply, the church recognised that people need a break! The fourth Sunday was considered a day of relaxation from Lent's normal rigours. It was a day of hope with Easter within sight. Traditionally, weddings, which were otherwise banned during Lent, could be performed on this day.

This Feast Day was inaugurated around the eighth century to give us a ‘lift,’ a word of encouragement to help us continue during this time of renewal, of spring cleaning our lives to make us more loving and more people. So, let’s rejoice and be good to ourselves today!

Happy Mothering Sunday!

This Sunday is currently also known as Mothering Sunday, Refreshment Sunday, mid-Lent Sunday (in French mi-carême) and Rose Sunday (either because the golden rose sent by Popes to Catholic sovereigns used to be blessed at this time or because the use of rose-coloured rather than violet vestments was permitted on this day.

Today is a day for a day to thank others. So let’s think of all those who nurture others, who give life to others, who provide for others while not forgetting those who were part of our lives before they went to their eternal reward. Happy Mothering Sunday!



Image credit: Miklos Kiss


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