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Mildmay is Highly Commended in the Homeless Link Excellence Awards

Mildmay staff hold up the highly commended certificate
Theresa, Sheila, Beverley and Teri

Congratulations to Adullam Homes for winning the People First category in yesterday's Homeless Link Awards.

Mildmay was one of two highly commended runners-up, along with Riverside EHT. The awards celebrate high-quality projects and services that ensure the individuals they are supporting are at the centre of what they do. Mildmay is proud to say that we have always placed individuals at the heart of all our planning, services and activities. Here's Theresa, Sheila, Beverley and Teri right after the event with Mildmay's Highly Commended in the People First category. Good job team! Mildmay is delighted to be highly commended and congratulations to all of the participants for all the amazing, unsung work that you do every day.


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