Please be aware that this procedure will be reviewed regularly and may change from time to time, in line with the latest Government and NHS guidelines
We are requesting that you DO NOT visit for the duration of the lockdown.
However, in exceptional circumstances, visiting may be allowed. The visits must be negotiated beforehand, with the knowledge and consent of the nurse in charge of the unit.
Visiting is at the nurse’s discretion and visitors may also be asked to leave should the nurse in charge consider this necessary.
Video calls such as WhatsApp or Zoom and other means of communication are encouraged as the first line of contact with inpatients and the ward staff will help to facilitate this.
Specific information relating to visitor access
Those wishing to visit an inpatient of the hospital must gain prior consent for the visit from the nurse in charge. This can be arranged by telephoning or emailing the hospital.
Please remember, if you, or someone you live in the same house with, experiences COVID-19 symptoms, such as a new continuous cough, shortness of breath, or a temperature of 37.8 or above – do not visit the hospital. Self-isolate and contact NHS 111 online for further advice.
Patients diagnosed as COVID-19-positive cannot receive visitors
Visits must take place between 9:00-16:30, whilst there is a receptionist on duty
All visitors will have their temperature tested on arrival. The visitor will also be asked if they, or anyone they are living with, has a new, persistent cough, a temperature above 37.8, and/or shortness of breath. In the event of any doubt, the visitor will be asked to leave.
Only one person is allowed to visit at a time, and no children will be permitted.
All visitors need to wear PPE: gloves, mask, and apron when visiting patients, as a precaution against cross infection. These will be provided at reception.
No visitors are allowed on the wards
Patients will meet their visitors in a specified room on the ground floor. If the patient is restricted to bed or needs assistance, the staff will transfer them to a wheelchair and take them downstairs to meet the visitor in the specified room.
Professional visitors such as solicitors, police, social workers, and housing workers will also be asked to meet with the patient on the ground floor and not on the ward.
Staff at the Mildmay reserve the right to ask visitors to leave.