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Nurses Day 2022

International Nurses Day 2022 banner

"Today is International Nurses Day with the theme; 'A Voice to Lead - Invest in Nursing and respect rights to secure global health'.

You’ve displayed great teamwork and hard work throughout the year

Patients do not even want to leave when discharged! Well done!

Thank you all very much for your commitment.

A message from Comfort Sagoe, Mildmay's Clinical Lead Nurse, to our amazing nursing team.


"12 May was chosen for International Nurses Day because it coincides with the birth date of Florence Nightingale, perhaps the most famous nurse in history and it is a great opportunity for us to say a huge thank you to all of our Mildmay nurses."

Geoff Coleman, Mildmay CEO

Our Founders, William and Catherine Pennefather, recruited a team of Christian women, who became known as Deaconesses, and whose training as missionaries had included biblical tuition, sewing, cookery, housekeeping, singing and bookkeeping in preparation to work in a Mildmay Mission or abroad. Pennefather's missionary projects included; a Men's Night School, Sewing classes for widows', a Flower Mission, Lads' Institute, a Servants' training home and a Missionary Training Home, he took some inspiration from a Lutheran 'Order of Deaconesses' in Germany.

Florence Nightingale had the greatest respect for the Deaconesses, hailing 'every attempt to train in practical activity all female missionaries'... Her interest was no doubt particularly stimulated by the fact that some of them (in other Mildmay Institutions) specialised in nursing and so were among some of the first trainee nurses in the country.

On this #InternationalNursesDay, We salute the thousands of nurses and frontline workers who work day and night to save the lives of people. Our healthcare staff are real heroes and we thank them all for their wonderful service.


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