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Santander Foundation boost Mildmay Hospital’s work

Mildmay Hospital has received £4,750 to fund their specialised computer training for people with HIV associated brain impairment. Patients with complex needs benefit enormously from the brain training programmes, computer training and support provided in the digital technology suite at Mildmay Hospital. As well as boosting independence, tackling isolation, building confidence and life skills, this work improves mental functions such as memory, concentration, problem solving and enhances manual dexterity.

The donation was provided by the Santander Foundation, which offers Discovery Grants to UK registered charities for projects that help disadvantaged people in local communities.

Mildmay Hospital is an HIV charity and hospital dedicated to treatment, services, medical care and rehabilitation for people with severe and complex HIV related health conditions including brain impairment. Mildmay’s specialised work means that 85% of patients return to independent living on discharge from their hospital, for many their lives are transformed beyond belief.

This grant will enable Mildmay to make digital technology accessible for people with complex HIV associated heath conditions, supporting their recovery on their road back to independent living within their community.

Dr Ross White, Chief Executive of Mildmay said: “The digital training provided by Mildmay has created some remarkable improvements in patients. Since enrolling on our brain training programme one client has signed up to become a volunteer. Another who at the beginning of the training could not even lift a mouse, is now able to shop on line, pay her bills, order medication and now even has her own computer tablet which has increased her independence and confidence ten-fold. Another patient has enrolled at university to study law, an unimaginable goal when he first came to Mildmay as an inpatient. Thank you so much Santander Foundation for supporting Mildmay’s work towards patient’s recovery and their return to independent living.”

Amy Slack, Manager at the Santander Foundation said: “The Santander Foundation makes hundreds of donations every year to good causes throughout the UK. We are committed to playing a key part in the community and we are delighted to be supporting Mildmay Hospital and hope the donation makes a real difference to local people.”



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