As we light the second candle on the Advent wreath this week, we are reminded of the peace that Christ brings into our lives and the world.
The two flickering candles, often known as the Candles of Peace, invite us to reflect on the profound proclamation made by the angels at the birth of Jesus: “Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men.”
In the midst of the busyness and distractions that fill this time of year, these flames offer a gentle call to pause and reflect on the deeper meaning of peace. It is not merely the absence of conflict, but a deeper, lasting peace that anchors our souls, even when the world around us feels chaotic. This peace is a gift from Christ, the Prince of Peace, who offers a sanctuary of calm and reconciliation both within ourselves and in our relationships with others.
As we meditate on the glow of the Advent candles, may we seek to foster goodwill and understanding, both in our own lives and in the world around us, embodying the eternal promise of peace that accompanies the birth of our Saviour.
Lord our God, we praise you for your Son, Jesus Christ:
He is Emmanuel, the hope of the people.
He is the wisdom that teaches and guides us.
He is the Saviour of every nation. Lord God,
As we light these two candles may the peace of God
allow us to look at others through heaven’s eyes
and help guide the world to see God’s here and
not-yet here kingdom. Peace from God, biblical peace,
allows us to trust in God’s promises, through restful,
tranquil faith, despite the dark, scary world around us.