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The Month of November at Mildmay

Updated: Nov 4, 2021

Photo by David Gabrić on Unsplash
Make COP count

On the last day of October COP26 begins: “If things continue as they are, in fifty years’ time my baby granddaughter will have to live in an unliveable world”, said one of the world leaders who gathered with Pope Francis on October 4th.

All Saints Day

However, this is supposed to be about November, so here at Mildmay Chaplaincy we start with the great Feast of All Saints then the following day we remember, according to a Christian tradition, those who have gone before us.

We usually hold a Memorial Service to pray for and think about those we have cared for hereat Mildmay. Of course, we continue to pray for the Climate Gathering in Glasgow, that the world leaders will be receptive and listen to those of us at grassroots level who are clamouring for justice for the people from countries who suffer the most deprivation. We are also on the countdown to World Aids Day but more of this in our next chaplaincy news.

One of our volunteer chaplains, Revd. Jide Macauley has kept us informed about a 3-Day training session by INERELA+ Europe, which will take place here at Mildmay Hospital, 10-12 Nov, 9.30am-4.30pm.

Introduction to the SAVE Methodology by INERELA+

Funded by the Church of Sweden and managed by House Of Rainbow, It’s completely free of charge for persons who are involved in pastoral work.

Attendees will master the importance of HIV awareness in faith spaces and develop skills in pastoral care for people living with HIV. “The International (Interfaith) Network of Religious Leaders Living with or affected by HIV is delivering a training session on HIV. It will explore a faith based perspective and impact.

Places are limited, refreshments and meals will be provided. Learning resources and a gift pack will also be given. Some travel costs can be refunded. Use the link below to register now and for more information, please contact Revd Fr. Jide on +447521130179


Header image by David Gabrić


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