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Volunteers' Week 2023: Celebrate and Inspire

Banner celebrating Volunteers' Week 2023

2023 marks the 39th year of Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June), when Mildmay joins thousands of charities and voluntary organisations recognising the contribution volunteers make across the UK.

With this year’s theme of ‘Celebrate and Inspire, ’ the aim is to encourage people to be the change we want to see and get involved in volunteering in whatever way works for them.

The contribution of volunteers is often unseen and unrecognised by many, visible only through the incredible impact of their volunteering, so taking the time during Volunteers’ Week to celebrate their efforts and all they contribute to our local communities, the voluntary sector and society as a whole have never been more important.

Volunteer coordinator Isobel says, “Volunteers' Week is a chance to celebrate and recognise the fantastic contribution our volunteers make. Mildmay Mission Hospital has benefited from the hard work and commitment of fifteen volunteers and eight volunteer chaplains in providing pastoral care for our patients, helping our Estates and Facilities Team with myriad jobs such as maintaining the Mildmay Garden, picking up orders from the pharmacy, helping to collate our archive, or working in Reception. We are very grateful to them, and they are all truly part of the Mildmay Family.

We are still recruiting volunteers after losing a few when the hospital was in lockdown during the pandemic. To find out more about volunteering at Mildmay, have a look at our volunteering page."


Volunteering is one of the most rewarding things you can do

  • Gain confidence. Volunteering can help you gain confidence by giving you the chance to try something new and build a real sense of achievement.

  • Make a difference. Volunteering can have a real and valuable positive affect on people, communities and society in general.

  • Meet people. Volunteering can help you meet different kinds of people and make new friends.

  • Be part of a community. Volunteering can help you feel part of something outside your friends and family.

  • Learn new skills. Volunteering can help you learn new skills, gain experience and sometimes even qualifications.

  • Take on a challenge. Through volunteering, you can challenge yourself to try something different, achieve personal goals, practice using your skills and discover hidden talents.

  • Have fun! Most volunteers have a great time, regardless of why they do it.


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